thank you JESUS! fo’ realz.
today the situation at the hospital is 100% different than last night. kevin has made such big progress in just 24 short hours – to say i am proud is such a big understatement.
today we learned a bit more about kevin’s situation.
he does have a minor brain injury (basically a very VERY severe concussion) to which they are keeping a close eye on. so far so good – no swelling, bleeding or skull fractures. once again – i must give HIGH praises to his helmet. and to kevin for putting it on. it literally saved his life. the doctors here are calling him the poster child for a helmet ad. several of the docs have gone into great detail as to what the situation would look like had he not chosen to wear it. it involves skull fractures, bleeding brains, ventilators and undoubtedly fatal irreversible trauma. *puke*
i can’t express in words how grateful i am to him for choosing to wear it. it would have been SO easy to leave it behind.
his back is fractured in six places along his transverse process. the breaks are literally just inches from his spinal cord and so the docs and nurses are treating him as a spinal cord injury patient as an extra precaution – no BLT-ing. no bending, lifting or twisting so not to further damage his back. it’s in his low low back and is excruciatingly painful. he was taking morphine this morning but it was making him sick so they started giving him something a little lighter and it seems to be working. he tells the nurses that his pain level is 0 when he’s laying in bed. it’s when the PT lady comes and jacks him around or when he has to get out of bed to go to potty that he is in a lot of pain.
that said – he walked today you guys. he got up out of bed and walked around the nurse’s station. TWICE. i cried. yesterday i was so afraid for the worst and today kevin walked. with only assistance with a walker. I AM SO PROUD. and he is SO tough.
he also has some nerve damage where his breaks occurred. they say this is normal and will go away eventually. his right side where his cantaloupe sized haematoma is – is totally numb. and itchy. (ladies – think epidural. numb – but ITCHY!) he was all, “it’s crazy. i can’t feel it – but it’s itchy as crap.” and i was all, “dude. i totally, TOTALLY get it.” lol.
he’s still a little confused today – but bits and pieces of the last couple days came back to him today. he remembers picking up the four wheeler and eating lunch and driving to big timber but remembers NOTHING surrounding the accident. not. a. single. thing. he’s trying. he’s frustrated because this is putting him completely out of his element. he’s not used to not being able to do for himself. he needs someone to help him with basic tasks and it’s very hard for him. he’s trying…
his internal organs are bruised. not bleeding – just bruised.
today his high school buddy clint came to visit him and they talked about the “good old days” (lol) and watched some monday night football. kev conked out on clint for a little while – but they picked up where they left off (mid-sentence – haha). it really picked his spirits up. (THANKS CLINT! <3)
it sounds bad (as i just re-read what i wrote) – but honestly – he’s doing so well given the circumstance. it could have been so so SO much worse. he is working hard and it’s paying off. the docs say that everything (brusing, haematoma, broken back, brain injury – all o’ it) will heal with time and patience. and we’re willing. we’ll be ok.
funny story – the nurses here handwrite their patients names over their doctor’s name and hang it over the patient’s bed. this morning they hung up a sign with kevin’s name over “dr. mckenzie” and i was all, “yah i am. i got dis. BAM.” and they were all, “ummm… yah…. except we clearly don’t mean you bossy lady. we mean dr. mckenzie. as in the trauma doc with a medical degree overseeing your husband’s care. kthanxbai.” whatev. lol.
thanks again for reaching out… and praying. and thinking of us. it gives me the much needed courage and strength to get through these days.
until tomorrow,
That is such good news Kenz! I am so happy for you! I will keep praying!
Aunt Sherrill
Kenzie, I don’t know what to say. Love you all, please let me know if I can help.
So glad to hear he is walking!!! Go Kev!! Wish i was closer to come see you and help out. Love you! your doing great Dr. McKenzie :p
LOVE YOU SWEETIE!!! Thanks for the update, we are all praying. Jillann Knutson
Very happy to hear that Kevin is doing so well. I think I can speak for everyone here at work and say we are thinking of you guys and let us know if there is something we can do. Tell Kevin I said Hi and to keep on getting better.